Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display

PODD, created by speech pathologist Gayle Porter, is a way of organizing whole word and symbol vocabulary to provide immersion and modeling as well as a means to express a range of messages in a variety of environments. There are PODD Pagesets to provide multiple options to suit the communication and language requirements of different individuals.

"PODD Pagesets on the Tobii Dynavox devices have been developed with and used by children, teens, adults, their families, teachers, friends and therapists over the past 15 years. I am now really excited to partner with Tobii Dynavox to make some of PODD Pagesets available on their T10 and Compass app so that other people who want to use the total, integrated PODD system can more easily access it."
– Gayle Porter

Only available for: Compass
Only available in: Danish, English


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