Myths & Research

Have you heard statements like "Annie isn't advanced enough to use a high-tech device" or "It would be better to wait 6 months before trying a communication device with Mrs. Leman?" Use these resources to bust AAC myths! Also included is information about key research that informed the creation of Compass pagesets.

Common Myths about the Use of AAC

AAC will Negatively Impact Speech Myth Learn the positive impact of AAC on Speech.
AAC will Fix All Communication Difficulties Myth AAC is wonderful but will not immediately make everything perfect.
No AAC if Some Speech Myth AAC can be appropriate for individuals who have some speech but are unable to express all of their wants, needs, and ideas.
No AAC if Communicating Basic Needs Myth Communication is about more than expressing basic needs!
Too Cognitively Impaired Myth There are no cognitive prerequisites to using AAC.
Too Young for AAC Myth Delaying the introduction of AAC can have many negative effects.
Too Soon for AAC after Stroke Myth There is a set time for introducing AAC after a neurological event, or is there?
Low-Tech before High-Tech Myth Find out whether research suggests a set order for using different kinds of AAC.
Only the Communication Device Myth Both the communication device and the equipment needed to successfully use it are medically necessary.


The Story of Core A brief history of core word strategies and the new Core in Compass software.


Stroke & Brain Injury Key References An overview of references that were used when developing the Stroke & Brain Injury Persona.
All Access Key References Important references used in developing the All Access Pageset.
Navigator Key References References central to the development of the Navigator Pageset.
NavBar & Master Page Pagesets Key References Important references used in developing the NavBar and Master Page Pagesets.

Stroke & Brain Injury Persona

AAC and Severe Aphasia Enhancing Communication across the Continuum of Recovery Garret and Lasker present multiple strategies for working with persons with aphasia.
AAC for Persons with Aphasia Hux, Beukelman, and Garret discuss how to use AAC to support speech rather than replace it.
Communication Based Interventions for People with Aphasia Hux, Weissling, and Wallace discuss techniques that support communication and participation.
Visual Scene Displays (VSD): New AAC Interface Dietz, McKelvey, and Beukelman describe how VSDs allow people with aphasia to access important messages.
Life Participation Approach to Aphasia Chapey and colleagues discuss a new philosophy for working with people with aphasia.
Tell Me Your Story: Script Topics Holland, Halper, and Cherney identify topics about which people with aphasia most want to communicate.
Making Communication a Shared Event Hux and colleagues explore ways to encourage shared participation in communication exchanges.
Remediation and Compensation Weissling and Prentice begin a conversation about addressing both recovery of speech and development of new forms of communication throughout the rehabilitation process.
Drawing in Aphasia Sacchett describes how drawing can be used interactively to support communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Core on Compass Software Discover answers to frequently asked questions about Core on Compass software.